Please write to me and send me some photos.2玲玲正在为她的洛杉矶之旅做准备。
Lingling is preparing for her trip to LA.3我正在列旅行用品清单。
lm making a list of things for my trip.4我喜欢稍早点把东西准备好。
l like to get things ready earlier.5听起来荒唐,但我不知道带什么。
lt sounds crazy,but 1 don't know what to take.6我要在七月底离开,打算在哪儿待四周。
I'm leaving at the end of July and P'm going to staythere for four weeks.
7短裤很好,或者你可以穿轻薄的裤子。Shorts are good, or you can wear light trousers.
If you've already paid for the air tickets and for homestay,it should be OK.
Your bag mustn't weigh too much.
10你最好询问一下旅行社你所有包总重量的事You'd better ask the travel company about the total weightfor all your bags.
11顺便说一下,别忘了带你的护照。By the way ,don't forget to take your passport.