1.What's wrong with you?/ What's thematter with you?哪儿不舒服吗?
2.Are you feeling wel1?现在感觉好些了吗?
3.How long have you been like this?你像这样有多久了?
4.Do you cough? Do you feel tired?你咳嗽吗?觉得疲惫吗?

1. I've got a stomach ache and my head hurts.
表示“疼”的方式(以“我头痛”为例):l have got a headache.
My head hurts/aches.I have a pain in my head.

2.Let me take your temperature...我给你量一下体温。
take在本句中的意思为“(用机器)测定,量取”,take one's temperature意为“量体温”。takeone's blood pressure为同样用法,意为“量血压”。
在本课中,还出现了take的另外一个常用意思。Take it three times a day.

3.That's why you've got a stomach ache.这就是你得胃病的原因。
That's why(+结果)这就是...的原因。That's because(+原因)那是因为...。例如:
That's why he was late.这就是他迟到的原因。
That's because he had a car accident.那是因为他出车祸了。