1.What's he like now?他现在是什么样?(教材P25)What's sb. like?意为"..….是什么样的人?"
多用于提问人的性格、品质等,也可用于提问人的相貌。e.g.:-What's Alice like?
--She is quiet and a little shy.
What does sb. look like?意为“....长得什么样?'用于提问人的长相、外貌。
e.g.:--What does Tom look like?—He has short hair.
be like意为“像….一样”,同义短语是look like。e.g.The girl is like her mother.
1 be like意为“像......一样”,指品德、相貌等像;
更侧重人的个性特征,常与look like互换。
e.g.:The twins are like their father.
2 look like意为“看起来像...”,强调外观上像。
e.g.:He looks like his father.

2. It's been three years since we last saw our primary school
"It's been+—段时间+since+从句”意为“自从……….以来已经有多长时间了”,还可表示为“It is+—段时间+since+从句”
e.g.: It has been five years since I began to learn English.=lt's five years since I began to learn English.
e.g.:She has taught us English since I came to this school.
e.g.: He has worked there since 10 years ago.