1.I was scared at first,but shouting did help.

2.Excuse me,could you tell us when the band
starts playing this evening?打扰一下,你能告诉
我们今天晚上乐队什么时候开始演奏吗?(教材第19页)start doing sth.意为“开始做某事”。
e.g.:He started working last week.

e.g.:He started a new shop last year.(2)表示“(机器)开动”时。
e.g.:Can you start the car?(3)表示“出发”“动身”时。
e.g.: We started early in the morning.
3.I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World.我建议去水上世界的水城餐馆。(教材第19页)suggest及物动词,意为“建议;提议”,名词形式为suggestion,意为“建议;提议”。其用法为: