① Let's go somewhere different today.咱们今天去某个不同的地方吧。
② It's a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.那是度过周六下午的好方法。3The most interesting museum l've been to is the American ComputerMuseum.我去过最有趣的博物馆是美国计算机博物馆。
④ It's a relaxing and peaceful place near a lake.那是一个令人放松的、平静的离湖较近的地方。
This small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to takea holiday.这个位于东南亚的小岛是一个很棒且安全的度假地。
The temperature is almost the same all year round.气温一年到头是一样的。
In Singapore you'll find a lot of food from China.在新加坡·你将会找到许多中国食物。

l have been to Beijing recently.最近我去过北京。
②Hangzhou is also a good place to go shopping.杭州也是购物的天堂。It's unbelievable that you can try food all around the world inSingapore.令人难以置信的是你能在新加坡尝到全世界的食物。
④One great thing about Xiamen is that it is a very clean city.关于厦门做得很好的一点是它是一个很干净的城市。
5.on the one hand...on the other hand...一方面……另一方面……