When I was new in junior high school,I knew no one.Most students talked only to people theyknew,so I felt lonely.I had to come home crying.Mother asked me what the worst time was and Isaid it was at lunch time. She said," You are not the only lonely person. There are others that are alone.Tomorrow I want you tolook around the lunchroom to see if other people are eating by themselves.l want you to go to one ofthem and ask if you can join him or her.” The next day,I did look around and asked the person who was already sitting alone.The young girlwas very happy.I shared my story with the girl and the next day we met for lunch and found someother people who were alone.This began a very interesting approach(接近) to life. The lessons that I learnt from that experience have stayed with me all my life.I have few problemsapproaching new people.I learnt that I am not alone.Most people are just like you and me.We allwant to be noticed,and to have someone to be interested in listening to us.