Ⅲ.任务型阅读 Book Review by Patricia Ann Tuner lt is school holiday time and Mitch Morrow 's family have just moved to a new home in a newplace.Mitch can't stop worrying about what his new school is going to be like.He is not even sureabout the neighbours.Next door live the Buill family and they have two children,Di and Bruce. The older of the two,Bruce,is a large boy,about Mitch 's age.Mitch watches him carry big rocks.Helooks really strong and unkind.Mitch gives him the name Bruiser(彪形大汉) because he has ablack eye.Did he get it in a fighr?Mitch imagines all the worst possible things about Bruiser.He isprobably the class bully(恶霸).In his mind Mitch thinks of him as the enemy: Things seem to get more worrying for Mitch.He finds out he will be in the same class asBruiser.Then on the first day of school he learns that Bruiser is his buddy for the day. This is a lovely story for young readers to read or listen to.It has a wonderful message for allchildren about facing their fears-real and imagined.