一、基本特征感悟【感悟用法】 1-Something flying far away must be a hawk.——飞得很远的东西一定是鹰。——No, it can't be a hawk.——不,不可能是鹰。 2A wise man might make a mistake sometimes.聪明人有时会犯错误。 ③Mary couldn't have received my letter,otherwise she would have replied before now.玛丽不可能收到我的信,否则她早就回信了。 ④May you continue in your efforts and achieve new and greater successes.愿你们继续努力,取得新的更大的成就。 ⑤An Englishman who could not speak Italian was once traveling in Italy.曾经,一位不会说意大利语的英国人在意大利旅行。