Sarah,36,Montreal Not so long ago,I didn't do any exercise-not even any jogging!Then I discoveredan app (7) called Running Power.It lists your performance against other nunners in yoursocial network.At first,I kept running just to see my name in the top five.Soon,I found(8) that I was not alone-l came across other runners in the same area running for the samepurpose! Now I no longer use the app,but I've fallen in love with running,and still doit with my running friends.

David,52,New York As a computer engineer,there's always a new challenge just around the corner ! Itcan be quite stressful at times,though,(9)which in turn makes me feel anxious.(10)Tohelp deal with this,I go running as often as I possibly can.Whether I'm at the gym or onthe road,my nervous energy pushes me through mile one.By mile two,the tension hasmoved from my mind to my legs.(11) By the end of the rn,all my stress hasdisappeared and I'm ready to face the next day at work!