掌握规律巧记单词 defend(v.防守,防卫),将-nd变为-ns再加-ible defensible adj.可防御的respond(v.回答),将nd变为-ns +-ible responsible adj.有责任的 形容词后缀-ible加在动词后,使动词变为形容词,其意义相当于“情态动词can+该动词的被动式”,所以在语义上有被动意义。如:the citycan be defended the city is defensible

Ⅲ.经典句式 1.现在分词短语作后置定语 It was then known as cuju(kick ball),agameusing a ball of animal skins withhair inside .它当时被称为踏鞠(踢球),是一种用兽皮做成的球,球里面有毛。2.be + adj.+ to do It is also a game that is very cheap to play.这也是一种非常便宜的游戏。3.see+宾语+宾补 All over the world you can See kids playing to their hearts'content with a ballmade of plastic bags. 在世界各地,你都可以看到孩子们尽情地踢由塑料袋做成的球。