l.occasion n.场合,时刻 2.editor n.(报纸、杂志的)主编,编辑 3 embrace v.欣然接受,乐意采纳(新思想、意见等) 4admit v.(不情愿地)承认 5effort n.力气,精力 6.loss n.失去,丧失 7.eve n.前夕,前一天 8.software n.(计算机)软件 9.adult n.成人,成年人 10.process n.(为达到某目标的)过程,进程 1 1.retired adj .退休的

12.exist v.存在,实际上有 13. overseas adv.在海外,在外国 14.global adj.全球的,全世界的 15.citizen n.公民,市民 16. nationality n.国籍;民族 17. audience n.听众,观众 18. interact v.互动 19.joy n.欢欣,愉快,喜悦 20.phenomenon n.现象

l.be keen on_喜爱2.eat out到外面吃饭 3.no less than和......一样 4.have...to do with与......有关系5.in one's opinion在......看来6.feel like_想要:感觉像 7.look forward to_期望;期盼 8.not only ...but (also)不但.....而且...9.rather than而不是 1o.interact with_与.相互影响 It was not only for the delicious food that we seldom got toeat,but for the opportunity to have our whole family gatheredtogether. 节日庆典