1.facility 1.设施;场所
[合作探究]体 会facility的用法和意义
①The hotel has special facilities for welcoming disabled people.
②A pet care facility is located outside our front gate on the south side for a daily fee.
宠物护理__中心位 于我们南边的大门外,每天收费。

sports/eisure faciities体育消闲设施
connference facilities 会议设施
shopping/ banking/cooking facilities 商店银行设施炊事设备

2.keen adj.热衷的;渴望的;强烈的;浓烈的;灵敏的
①We are keen that our school should get involved to.__渴望的
②He took a keen interest in his grandson's education_强烈的
③Though advanced in years, he has a keen sense of hearing.__灵敏的
④I am not very keen on detective stories.__热衷的