1.担心;为.……担忧 worry about
2.安静地;沉默地 in silence
3.感到被一种明朗而又友好的情感所触动 feel the touch of something bright and friendly
4.在那时 at that moment
5.转过身 turn back
6.没有说话 without a word
7.就像一座被埋藏的宝藏 be like a hidden treasure
8.学会信任他人 learn to trust people
9.一天天地;逐渐地 day by day
10.把某人拉进朋友圈 include sb.in one's circle of friends
11.像胶水一样粘在一起 stick together like glue
12.把….….粘贴到.….….上 stick ...to...
13.微笑着面对世界 smile at the world