The Internet joins millions of computers all over the world, and todayit is used by people all over the world.They think how convenient it is1 to useit.It was invented in the 1960s in the USA.The American government neededa network of computers for its army.

The World Wide Web was invented by a British scientist named TimBerners-Lee in 1989,which allowed him to send and receive scientificdocuments with text,drawings and photos2.In the 1990s, more and morepeople began to use the Internet and the World Wide Web.

So what's the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web?The Internet is the hardware.It allows us to communicate with otherpeople.The World Wide Web is the software.It allows us to create,see andread multimedia documents.

The web is made up of millions of documents called web pages. Thesepages are held in computers all over the world.Many people have a favouritewebsite with a number of web pages on the same subject.
It took 50 years for 100 million people to listen to the radio.It took 15 yearsfor 100 million people to watch television.By the year 2000,it had taken onlyabout three years for 100 million people to use the Internet.What will happennext on the Internet?