Write a piece of news about the Tangshan
earthquake with the help of the following information.Pay attention to the elements in news.
Time :early morning July 28,1976
Place :near Tangshan, Hebei
Event :Earthquake struck Tangshan
Result :240 000 died , more than 160 000 injured
Measure :sent the army to help; provided food and water;rebuilt their homes

You can write like this:
On the early morning of July 28, 1976, aterrible earthquake hit Tangshan in Hebeiprovince, China.240 000 people died and morethan 160 000 people were injured.Luckily,thegovernment sent the army to help them andprovided food and water.With the help of thewhole nation, people in Tangshan rebuilt theirhomes. Now, a more beautiful new Tangshan hasappeared.