Translate these sentences into English.
1.你打算去打排球吗? Are you going to play volleyball?
2.她喜欢骑自行车多于划船。She prefers cycling to rowing.
-Would you like to join our school football club?
-Yes, I'd love to.
4.上学期我几乎每个星期都回家。 I went home almost every week last term.
5.我们全班都将为我们学校游泳队加油。 All our class will cheer our school swimming teamon.
6.今天下午七班和八班将会有一场篮球比赛。There is going to be a basketball match betweenClass Seven and Class Eight this afternoon.
7.他经常去打乒乓球。 He goes to play table tennis quite a lot/bit.
8.我希望我们班会赢。 l hope our class will win.