1. My favourite poet is Li Bai.
2.He wrote many poems.
3. l always remind myself to learn from him.

My Favourite Poet
Li Bai is my favourite poet. He was a famous poet in TangDynasty. He wrote many poems. Most of the students like hispoems. When he was a young boy, he remembered“2Where there is a will、there is a way.”all the time. Itencouraged him to study hard.His poems inspired manypeople. That's why I like him. I always ③remind myself tolearn from him.

①when引导的时间状语从句和“That's why..”句式的使用使文章更有逻辑性。
②谚语“Where there is a will, there is a way.”的引用为文章增色不少。
③结尾处深化主题,短语remind sb. to do sth.的使用,点明了诗人李白对自己的影响。