2.甜蜜的,甜的,含糖的 ad i sweet
3.检查;审查v.& n. check
6.分;分币n. cent
7.熊v. bear
8.生产者:制定者v. maker
9.围巾n. scarf
10.软的;柔软的adj. soft
11.板;木板n. board

12. have a yard sale有庭院出售
13. bread maker面包机
14. soft toy毛绒玩具
15. check out查看
16. board game棋盘游戏
17. a couple of一对
18. sweet memories甜蜜的回忆
19. in need需要
20. not …any more_不再
21. a bit一点点
22.one last thing最后一件事

23. -How long have you had that bike overthere?
-l' ve had it for three years.-你拥有在那里那辆自行车多久了?-三年了。
24. Amy wants to keep her old thingsbecause they bring back sweet memories.艾米希望保留她的旧东西,因为他们带回甜蜜的回忆
25. How much is it?You can have it for 75cents.o小述你可以花75美分拥有它。