1.①Having suffered  from heart trouble for years,Professor White must take some medicine with himwherever he goes.
②a.Within a few days she had become seriously ill, andsuffered (suffer) great pain and discomfort.
b.The old is said to have gone through varieties ofsufferings(suffer) during the war.

2.①It was amazing (amaze) that they were able to finishthe work in such a short time.
From his amazed_(amaze) look, we know he saw thisscene for the first time.
③To myamazement (amaze), the old man devoted all hismoney to supporting the local school.

3.①Teenagers addicted (addict) to the Internet are morelikely to suffer from depression.
As far as I' m concerned, it’s not wise for us to beaddicted to playing (play) with smart phones because wemay ignore other things in life.
③You should stop taking this medicine because it isaddictive(addict).