I.单词语境记忆——根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式 1.If you wish for any further explanation,you had better apply in person to the chief(首领) of police. 2.Is there life on Mars? It is still a puzzle(迷) to us. 3.we paid a visit to the nearby (附近的)nursing home last Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival.

1.The islandis joined to_(被连接起来) the mainland by a bridge.2.Nobody can entirely break away from(逃脱) this competitive world.3.The house belongs to
_(属于) my aunt, but she doesn't live here any more.
4.The pencil-box on the desk
as well as_(和) the bookmarks belongs to my little
5.When travelling in a foreign country, you had better _keep your eyes open for (留意)the local history and tradition.