|教材典句 1. A blueprint is a drawing that shows how to put a house together with many different parts. 蓝图就是展示如何将许多不同的部分组建成一栋厉子的图纸。 2.From your DNA, scientists can identify not only you, but also people whoare related to you. 从你的DNA中,科学家们不仅能够鉴别你,而且能鉴别与你相关的人。

that和which指物时,可以互换,但在下列情况下必须使用that。(1)先行词是all, everything, nothing, little something, anything等时。
That is all that I know.我知道的就是这些。(2)先行词前面有_序数词修饰时。
He was the first person that helped me.他是第一个帮助我的人。