我们打算去泰山三日游。 We are going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai. 太远了不能骑车去,我们可以选其它的交通工具。lt's too far to cycle. We can choose other vehicles.我们查一下有关费用的信息吧。 Let's find out some information about the cost.我们要决定一个合适的出行方式。 We'll decide on a proper way to travel.

我有振奋人心的消息要告诉你们。l have some exciting news to tell you.骑车去那儿要花我们几天时间。
lt will take us a few days to get there by bike.
How much does it cost to get to Mount Tai by plane?
What's the price of a train ticket to Mount Tai?