1.I'm in Grade 9 this year, and I'mpresident of the student council at myschool. 今年我上九年级,担任学校的学生会主席。 表示独一无二的职务的名词前,通常不用冠词。但用这些词指代任职的人时,要用冠词。

e.g.John was elected monitor of the class. 约翰被选为班长。 The governor visited our village lastweek. 上周州长参观了我们村。

2. In the council, we share our ideas,interests and concerns with teachersand others. 在学生会里,我们与老师们和其他同学们分享我们的思想兴趣和事务。(1) share,“分享”。 share....with...与..…..分享... (2) concern用复数形式,意思是“事务”

'3.In December, we decided to raisemoney for an organization thatprovides food for poor people in ourcity. 在12月份,我们决定为本市一个给穷人提供食物的组织集资。 (1)表示“为某人提供某物”可以用 provide sth. for/ to sb.结构,也可以用provide sb. with sth.结构。