How does Lisa's friends give the presents to her?
Here is a teddy bear for you!
| have a new story book for you!
Here are some chocolates for you!

Kate, Gao Wei
& Peter: Happy birthday, Lisa!
Lisa: Thank you! Welcome to my birthday party.
Kate: Here's a teddy bear for you!
Gao Wei: | have a new storybook for you!
Peter: Look! Here are some chocolates for you!
Lisa: Thank you very much!
Mum: Shall we begin the party?
All: Yeah!

Mum: Let's light the candles and sing the birthday song.
All: OK!
All: Make a wish and blow out the candles, Lisa.
Lisa: All right. L et me make a wish!
All: And now cut the cake, Lisa!
Lisa: OK. Have a piece of cake, Please!
All: Thank you!