Are Shark Nets Necessary? 为了防止鲨鱼对人类的攻击,一直以来澳大利亚的海岸线都设置防鲨网,但是研究发现该做法弊大于利。 Shark nets in place across Australia,specifically in New South Wales(NSW) and Queensland,to protect beachgoers should be droppedas they have caused more harm than good.

典句欣赏 The study found the effectiveness of nets was difficult to evaluate,while the significant damage they cause to other marinewildlife was clear. 译文:研究发现,防鲨网的有效性很难评估,而它们对其他海洋野生动物造成的重大损害则是显而易见的。 分析:本句总体上是一个并列句。The study found是第一个分句,while the significant damage...是第二个分句。在第一个分句中the effectiveness of nets was difficult to evaluate是宾语从句,在第二个分句中they cause to.….是定语从句。