1.The radio manager looked down at me.电台经理低头看着我。look down向下看
look down at sb./sth.向下看着某人或某物
e.g. I was looking down at my watch when he called me.

2.And you want a job in radio?你想在电台找份工作?陈述句尾加问号变成陈述疑问句,朗读时句尾读升调。

3.Shouldn't you be at school?难道你不用上学吗?否定疑问句,表示惊讶、赞赏或责难。
e.g. Aren't these pictures lovely?(表示赞赏)
Why are you driving so fast? Don't you knowthe traffic regulations?(表示责难)

4.Istill remember, when I was four years old, I sat close to the radioin the living room,listening to my favourite programmes and to thevoices of my favourite presenters.
close to 临近,靠近
sit close to sth.坐在……的旁边>close adj,离得近,距离短v.关上