1.Grandpa,did people go fishing a longtime ago?
爷爷,在很久以前人们去钓鱼吗?go fishing钓鱼
We often go shopping on weekends.我们经常在周末去购物。

2.At that time, there were no supermarkets.在那个时候,没有超市。
at that time在那个时候。表示过去时间,因此要用一般过去时。time的其他短语:
at this time在这个时候;in time及时at the same time同时;
on time按时
have a good time玩得开心;
all the time一直。

3. They spent a lot of time outdoors.他们在户外花费大量的时间。spend v.用(钱/时间);花(钱/时间)
I spent five yuan on the book.
这本书我花费了五元钱。I spent five yuan (in) buying thebook.