Answer these questions.
1. Is there any food left? No, there's nothing in the fridge.
2. How much money do they have? Only five yuan.
3. Where does Eddie want to go to buy food? Supermarket.
4. What does Eddie want to do with five yuan? Buy a tin of dog food.
5. Can they buy a tin of dog food with five yuan? No, they can't.
6. Can they order a pizza? Why orwhy not? No, they can't.The money isn’'tenough to order a pizza.

An old friend of mine is coming to seeme, Hobo.
这里is coming相当于is going to come。英语里在谈到近期确定的安排时,常用进行时表达,这种用法比用将来时表达更为自然。常用于该用法的动词有
come、 go、 leave等。如:
She is leaving soon.她就要走了。
Annie is coming to supper this evening.安妮今晚要来吃饭。

Shall we take them to the cinema?
Shall we invite them to have dinner with us?Shall I/we ..?表示说话人用来征询对方的意见。其后要跟动词原形,意思是“我(们).…….好吗?”。如: Shall we go swimming?我们去游泳好吗?
Shall I go with you.我跟你去好吗?对Shall I (we) ..?问句的肯定回答可用OK./Sure./All right./Yes, I think so./Good idea.等。