lts Sunday morning. Dena Morin and her grandfather,Mr.Morin, are fishing at the lake.
Dena: Grandpa, did people go fishing a long time ago?Mr. Morin: Well Dena, we are First Nations people. Ourpeople came to Canada a long time ago. At that time, therewere no supermarkets. Our people always went fishing andhunting for food.

Dena: Were people healthy then?
Mr. Morin:They were very healthy. They spent a lot of time
outdoors. They worked hard.And they ate good, natural food like fishand vegetables.
Dena: Was life hard at that time?
Mr. Morin:It was hard. But people were healthy and happy. After ahard day of work, people rested and played together. In the evenings,they often made a big fire. Some people played the drums and othersdanced around the fire.They called this dance the powwow.
Dena: We still have powwow dances today. I can't wait for thepowwow next year!