1.用作主语,所表动作比较抽象,或者泛指习惯性动作。e.g.:Playing with fire is dangerous.
(1)It is no use/good/useless+doing.…
(2)It is a waste of time+doing.…
(3)It is fun+doing...
在以上结构中常用动名词作主语。e.g.:It's no use crying over spilt milk.It is fun playing with children.

常见的此类动词或动词短语有:practise,enjoy,finish,give up,keep,keepon.mind,miss.put off,depend on,think about,succeedin,worry about,be/get usedto,look forward to,pay attention to等。
e.g.:How do you practice speaking?
I have to finish reading a book and give a report.

e.g.:I learn English by doing grammar exercises.Shall we have a rest or get down to doing our work?He was late again because of getting up late.
Lock the doors and windows before going out.What/How about the two of us playing games?

1.She can't help crying (cry) after_ hearing (hear) the bad news.2.Do you feel like_having (have) a break?