Daming:But we're only students. We can't doanything about factories and cars.
Betty: It's no use talking about things we can't do.we've got to think of things we can do!
Daming: Such as ...?
Lingling: Do you think we can make our school agreen school?
Daming: What's a green school?
Lingling: At a green school,every class collectswaste which can be recycled or used again. Thenthe school sells the waste and uses the money tohelp students in poor areas.

Daming: Nice idea!
Betty: Students at a green school also learn ways tosave energy and recycle at home.That means lesswaste.
Tony:That's a good idea. Though pollution is heavynow, I don't think it's hopeless. If everyone starts to dosomething, the world will be saved.