1.You mean, those clubs where people go to practice their English?你指的是人们常去练英语的那些俱乐部吗?
这里you mean表示“你意思是说.…....?常用在口语中,用于核实你确实听懂了某人所说的话。例如:
---Do you remember Jane?
---The woman we met in Scotland, you mean?你指的是我们在苏格兰见到的那位女士?

2. I always thought they were for people who speak good Englishalready.我原来一直以为,这些俱乐部是为那些英语己经说得很好的人开办的。
在这个句子中,thought表示“原以为….... (但实际并非如此)”。例如:
l thought he was honest, but I'm wrong.我原以为他诚实,但我错了。
l thought you would be late --- it rained so heavily!我原以为你会来晚了呢——雨这么大!