Listen and read.
Betty:Hey,Tony! Did you enjoy yourself in London?
Tony: Yes! I went to see my friend Susie. And I visited her school.
Betty: What are English schools like?
Tony: Here are a few photos. I took them myself.Daming: Let's have a look.
Tony:So this is Susie's school. It's got about 700
pupils, like most schools in England.Betty: How many pupils are there in a class in England?

Tony: About thirty.
Daming: We have forty in our class. So ours is a bit bigger. Look, everyone is wearinga jacket and tie!
Tony: Yes, every student wears school clothes in England.
Daming:And everyone is sitting around tables in the classroom.
Tony:That's right. They don't sit in rows.
Look at the swimming pool and thehuge sports ground. Most English schools have sports grounds. Kids therereally enjoy playing football.
Daming: We like playing football too.And we also have an excellent swimming team.Betty: I hope I can visit Susie's school one day.
It looks really great.
Tony: Our school is great too, and we have
more students here.This means morepeople to play with.
Betty: And more friends too.