★He's of medium build.他中等体型/身材。→同义句: He is not fat or thin.
build n .身材v.建筑/建造building n.建筑物/高楼大厦.
e.g.工人们每年建造许多高楼大。1.The workers
build many buildinggvery year.
★She's of medium height.她中等高度。→同义句:She isn't tall or short .
height , high和tall的区别
height n.身高;高度He is of medium height.2. He is two meters in height

high adj. & adv.高的;高高地 l can see a highmountain. 3. lt's flying high
tall adj:高的1 She is tall. 4.He is two meters
a little和 little的区别
A都用来修饰不可数名词。a little意为“有一点”,little意为“几乎没有”,表否定。
He has a little milk 
6.他几乎没有牛奶了。He has
little milk