1.China's economy_(经济) is very attractive because of its sizeand its possible growth.
2.Cash is king in Japan and  credit(信用) cards are much lesspopular than in other Asian countries.
3.Starbucks provide straws on request(要求) from the customerin 10 stores in Beijing,encouraging customers to reduce straw use.
4.The  view(风景) from the top of the mountain is exciting.5.She insisted on telling me every single detail(细节) of whatthey did to her in hospital.

The writer's name was withheld by request.按照作者的要求,其姓名不予公布。

Do you have any specific request for packing?你对包装有什么具体要求吗?

You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant.请不要在餐馆里吸烟。

She requested that no one (should)be told of her decision until thenext meeting.她要求下次开会前不要向任何人透露她的决定。名师点津
