Key points
(1) throw down扔下,使倒下
eg. He threw himself down in the bed and fell asleep.他一头栽在床上就睡着了。
They threw down the tools and walked out.他们扔下工具,举行罢工。

(2) come over过来,从远处来
eg. Come over! Here's a seat for you.过来,这儿有个座位。
He came over from France last week, just to see us:他上周从法国专程来看我们。

(3) as...as结构表示的是同级比较,第一个as后的形容词或副词必须用原级,比较的对象也须属同类。
eg. She is as tall as her mother.她和她母亲一样高。Smith works as hard as you used to.史密斯和你从前一样工作努力。
The dinning room was twice as big as the Tom's.这个餐厅是Tom的餐厅的两倍大。

(4) neither也不
eg. You didn't see him, and neither did i.
If you do not go, neither shall l.你不去我也不去。
The first one was not good, neither was the second one.第一个不好,第二个也不好。