Mothers always tell their children what theyshould eat.
When Kangkang was a child, his mother oftentold him, "Be careful not to eat too much salt orsugar." She said it might cause illness.
Maria's mother always took care of Maria verywell. For example, Maria's teeth were very weak,so her mother said that she mustn't eat too muchcandy or ice cream.
Milk is a healthy drink.Jane didn't like it, buther mother always forced her to drink it. Every morning before she left school, she had to drinka glass of milk because her mother was alwayswatching her.
During Michael's childhood, he had to eatmany vegetables and fruit to keep healthy. Once,cabbage wad on his plate.
As so as Michael sawIt, he got mad. But hismother made him taste it.He was so surprised tofind that it was delicious!