Read and answer
What do they volunteer to do?
Mario volunteers at an animal hospitalevery Saturday morning.
Mary works at an after-school readingprogram to help kids learn to read.

Q1: Why do Mario and Mary volunteer to help others?
Because Mario wants to learn more about how tocare for animals, and he believes it can help him toget his future dream job, he can also get a strongfeeling of satisfaction from the animals and theirowners.
Because Mary thinks volunteering in the after-schoolreading program is a dream come true for her. Shecan do what she loves to do and helps others at the same time.

Q2: What do they say about volunteering?
Mario says he gets a strong feeling of satisfactionwhen he sees the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners' faces.

3c Use infinitives to complete the sentences.1.Mario would like to volunteer an animal doctor.2.He works for an animal hospital because hewants to learn about how to careforanimals.
3. Mary decided_ to tryout for a job at anafter-school reading program last year. She
still works there now to help kids learn to read.4. Mary has a dream job because she can do what she loves to do