Language notes
1. Don't use water to pu our kitchen fires. Use bakingsoda or salt instead.
扑灭厨房的火不要用水,而要用发酵粉或盐。instead adv.替代;更换
If you cannot go, let him go instead.如果你不能去,让他替你去。
l didn't have a pen, so l used a pencil instead.我没有钢笔,因此我就用铅笔了。
l will go instead of you.我代你去。

2.Many people hurt themselves byfalling off the chair.许多人从椅子上掉下来伤了自己。
hurt vt. , vi.使受伤;使伤痛My leg hurts.我的腿受伤了。
l hurt it playing football.我踢足球伤着它了。
l won't hurt you.我不会伤害你。Did he hurt himself?他受伤了吗?